This is imported from our previous 3rd-party location, originally posted 9.7.23
How do you consume your horror? Movies, books, video games, board games, all of the above, or some other form? Let’s have a poll! And I’m keeping it open forever.
1. Movies
2. Books
3. Video Games
4. Board Games
5. Other

Note, this was previously an interactive poll. Now, because of the move, I'm going to say, if you'd like to answer this, please feel free to tell me on any of the variety of social media platforms I'm on (found at the bottom of every newsletter and on the website itself).

Horror Addicts Interview

Find out the “scariest thing” I’ve ever witnessed and other juicy tidbits in this author interview I did for the release of The Headless Boy (available now from Crystal Lake Publications on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, & Books A Million)

Thank you to Horror Addicts for asking fun questions, such as:

What’s a horror gem you think most horror addicts don’t know about? (book, movie, musician?)
1976’s Alice Sweet Alice. I love that movie. It’s old enough and obscure enough that a generation or two may have missed it.

Read the whole interview here, and if you have follow-up questions, feel free to ask on any social media.

Displaced Ghosts

Go read the interview first. It’s short. I’ll wait. whistles, checks email, answers text

Now then, regarding the question and answer for “Have you ever been haunted or seen a ghost?”, I have further information for you. I had previously made many of my blog posts private as I cleaned up the dotcom and toyed with the idea of collecting them in a book (not likely). Today I made a few of those public again, as one is very pertinent to this conversation and the others are connected (so if you click through, you won’t be met with a dead end). I really love this particular two-part entry and offer them up for those who may have missed their original appearances back in 2010.

Pertinent to the ghosts above, I give you more of the story of my haunted childhood home in Tearing Down the Past.
And let it be known, that happened in 2010 but that question stuck with me. It does to this day and will likely never leave the little corner of my mind it has settled into. But I did explore a possible answer in the short story “Beneath the Waves,” which appeared in the charity anthology Dark Tides. The book is out of print, but the short story will appear in my next collection if it doesn’t resurface before then. (haha… if you read the short story, you understood that pun)
Oh yeah, and per the subtitle of this entry, how to catch a horror author: put a single thought deep in their psyche for a decade and see what insane story idea blossoms from it. “Where do ghosts go when you tear down their home?”
Thanks for reading and remember, a current inventory of personalized, signed books available to ship (direct from me and shipped to you) is available.
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