
SIX DAYS re-release

Delighted to announce Six Days is back in print with Cemetery Dance Publications. Often compared to Gone Girl, my claustrophobic debut novel has been re-released with a gorgeous new cover from Kealan Patrick Burke.

Preorders available now!


Praise for SIX DAYS

“Kelli Owen has pulled off a kind of dark magic with this book and done so with an assurance rarely seen in a first novel.  She’s made us care deeply about a flawed character completely alone in the dark, a scary one-character play peopled with everyone she’s close to…which is no mean feat for any magician.  And the ending packs a hell of a wallop.”

Jack Ketchum, author of THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, OFF SEASON, THE WOMAN and more…

1 thought on “SIX DAYS re-release”

  1. Kaleigh Costello says:

    Well that was an easy, quick purchase lol

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