Among the Stacks
As part of The Gal in the Blue Mask’s Halloween Extravaganza, there was an interview. I talked about my quirks, my fears, all kinds of random crazy things… Check it out to learn things about me…
As part of The Gal in the Blue Mask’s Halloween Extravaganza, there was an interview. I talked about my quirks, my fears, all kinds of random crazy things… Check it out to learn things about me…
When Rebecca Snow isn’t working on her own writing, she interviews other writers on her website. Here is one such interview, with me! I discuss Jack Ketchum, Kealan Patrick Burke, Stone Temple Pilots, Queens of Dogtown,…
A quick and dirty interview with the lovely Word Zombie. He asked. I answered. It’s the way we do these things… Check out the interview here. And remember, you can always ask followup questions in…