tl;dr — blog posts are now on Patreon.
They say you wear several hats in your lifetime. That you experience a different “you” every so many years. Oddly enough, your social media is no different.
And 2021 seems like a fantastic year for yet another rebirth of my online presence.
I’m old enough and tech enough to have been here, online, since the beginning of “online.” There was the initial “Shiny!”—when the internet was brand spanking new, when having a computer at home was a crazy idea, and everyone who did had a family or personal home page with far too many animated graphics and insane divider bars everywhere, oh, and auto-loading music. The music. Wow, I do not miss that phase. Then there was the discovery, use and abuse of message boards and hubs, and the beginnings of online friendships. That flowed gently into Horror-Web and the HorrorWench, both of which exist in the big pile of forgotten, lost, and outgrown things I sometimes still long to for. But then I remembered I didn’t want to be a webmistress, and life online changed again with the sale of HW and the rebirth of me as, well… me. Gone was the screenname, branded was the pen name.
And the internet grew, multiplied, and continued to spread its roots across the interests, hobbies and curiosities of mankind. There were business platforms, and playgrounds, and some who tried (or claimed) to teeter between the two. Over the years, I played along with accounts on AIM, MySpace, Live Journal, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Patreon, Medium, TikTok, Wattpad, Goodreads, BookBub, Ello, Mastadon, YouTube, several I’ve forgotten, too many message boards to list, and of course, my own dot com.
During each incarnation I’ve always had a blog of sorts—random musing and statements on life. And that will be the biggest change going forward. Much like my podcast archives have been relegated to my patreon, my original blog posts will now be exclusively posted for my Patreons. For everything else the breakdown will remain essentially the same, as follows:
· For book news only: here and Facebook will be your best bet.
· To find those personal tidbits that make me me and not your aunt or neighbor or crazy high school acquaintance who pops up every so often, check out Instagram and Twitter.
· while I appreciate those who signed up for my newsletter, I’m just not good at staying on top of that and will likely be killing it (with fire)
· But no matter what you’re looking for, the dotcom here will be the hub of all things Kelli Owen. It may not have coffee talk or garage talk or some other pithy title for my random musings, but it’ll have all the links to show you where to find me for any other platform or purpose, and all the information for my books .
Happy 2021 everyone. Now then, about that return to blogging… *slips over to Patreon to post the first blog of 2021*