Life Misc Writing

News vs. Newsletter

Hello and welcome. Don’t worry about leaving the lights on or checking the doors, trouble has already found its way inside. It has been patiently waiting for you. Sit back. Relax. Enjoy your peace of mind… until I make you question it.

Kelli  thriller/horror writer, puddle jumper, just a girl…

This is the old News, Blog, Updates, etc. area that used to be the front page. I will still be adding to these with News, Updates, and Announcements, but no more Blogs, Essays, or other freeform writings will be posted this way. Those will now be exclusively in the newsletter, which will ALSO include the News. If you prefer to come to the website, check this area. If you prefer items delivered to you with bonus material (essays) then subscribe to the newsletter.

Either way, welcome… and thank you for your interest and support.

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